E tangi e te weka i runga o Raukūmara,
me koe e te kiwi i te take o Hikurangi.
The weka calls from the heights of the Raukūmara, the kiwi calls from the base of Hikurangi.
As it was in the days of our tīpuna, the mana and mauri of te Raukūmara restored to again thrive, flourish and nurture all who are connected to it. A ngahere that is protected for our mokopuna to come.
Ngati Porou and Te Whānau-a-Apanui have seen, heard and felt the cries for help from our ngahere that is now on the brink of collapse. Alongside and with the support of Te Papa Atawhai and other essential partners, we will mahi together to return the mana and mauri of te Raukūmara, and protect the ngahere for the future.
Our people are always at the forefront of everything we do.
Whānau with mātauranga as well as invited experts are our trusted sources to tell our stories of te Raukūmara with integrity and mana.
Strengthening our whānau will result in strengthening our whenua and water. Manaakitanga and unity are key to the restoration of te Raukūmara, and the restoration of our ngahere will be key to our future as well.