At Te Kaha Marae on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd of March, Raukūmara Pae Maunga kaimahi attended a training wānanga with the Director of Backblocks Environmental Control Ltd and predator control specialist Mr. John Bissell.

Raukūmara Pae Maunga kaimahi and John Bissell (near centre, in yellow high-vis vest) at Te Kaha, March 2023 (C) Raukūmara Pae Maunga
Focused on equipping our teams for the mahi ahead, John shared many of his tricks of the trade and covered topics like predator behaviour, attitudes of a successful predator hunter, and key pillars of successful trapping.
It wasn't all just kōrero. Kaimahi also had the chance to be hands-on out in the field, learning how to set traps for specific types of pest, sharing tips and techniques with each other and learning from the best.
John demonstrates a predator trapping technique to kaimahi.
(C) Raukūmara Pae Maunga
Passionate kaimahi are critical to the success of this kaupapa
Over the course of the wānanga, it became even more apparent just how critical our highly motivated, expert and passionate kaimahi are to the success of this kaupapa. As we equip and empower our teams to be the best in their field of expertise, we all realise that it will not be enough to be just 'good' at this job, or in any way 'average' at what we do. The only road to success is to work together to create a culture of success and operate at an elite level.
Regardless of which team we're in - from Operations and Monitoring kaimahi to Aerial and Ground Cullers - working side-by-side to the highest possible professional standards and supporting each other in a team-culture, which is focused on success, is how we will achieve our goal to restore the mana and mauri of our beloved Raukūmara ngahere.
Here's what some of our kaimahi said after the wānanga:
"Awesome to have John with us last week, not only to tautoko the cause of Raukūmara Pae Maunga but also give our whanau and team a deeper thought of what it takes to enable kaimahi to succeed and sustain in helping to restore a unhealthy ngahere. John comes with a mind of knowledge and experience of predator control, so there is no doubt in my mind that his teaching is second to none.
Ka mau te wehi John. Always a privilege to hear your thoughts and expertise on how predator control is done to its best and highest of standards."
"An innate ability to instill and motivate those at the coal face of predator eradication, where standards and character of being count for something. To the end..."
Te Rina:
Te Rina: "Our wānanga with John was really awesome! Gained a lot of knowledge and learnt a few tips and tricks throughout."
Ngā mihi nui
Sharon and the team would like to mihi to the pakeke who came to join the wānanga and support the kaupapa, in particular Eruti Korewha for coming to share the whakapapa of Tukaka Marae and Te Ehutu hapū. They also send a massive shout out to our whānau and tamariki from the Te Kura o Te Whānau-a-Apanui netball team for catering and looking after everyone with beautiful kai. Last but not least, a massive mihi to John for coming to share your knowledge, skills and expertise gained through years of experience fighting for te taiao and for all of your support of our kaupapa. You have helped sharpen our skills to ensure our kaimahi will be the best kaitiaki for our Raukūmara ngahere.