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Ko te Raukūmara
te ngahere
E tangi e te weka i runga o Raukūmara, me koe e te kiwi i te take o Hikurangi
Raukūmara Pae Maunga
Our Raukūmara has nurtured and protected us since the time our waka
first arrived on these shores, it is on the brink of ecological collapse.
The Raukūmara Pae Maunga Restoration Project is an iwi led kaupapa managed by
Te Whanau a Apanui and Ngati Porou in collaboration with the Department of Conservation.
Achieving ecological restoration will require every one of us to work together to pull our
Raukūmara back from the edge of extinction.
There is no more time to spare,
The race to save our ngahere is on!
As it was in the days of our tīpuna, we envision the mana and mauri of te Raukūmara restored, nurturing all those who are connected to it. A ngahere that is protected and abundant for our mokopuna to come.
An iwi led conservation project led by Ngāti Porou and Te Whānau a Apanui. Reducing pest numbers, controlling ungulate populations, restoring habitat and taking our people along the journey with us through extensive engagements.
Mana whenua, iwi, hapu, landowners, partnerships and kaitiaki all unite to restore the mana and mauri of Te Raukūmara ngahere.
Kawepūrongo / News and updates
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